20 years in the making – welcome to the new Engine Creative agency website

We’ve only gone and launched a new agency website for ourselves!

We set out to update our agency website at the end of last year and have approached it in exactly the same way as we do when developing websites and digital products for our clients. The resulting site is something we’re proud of and something that we’re confident will deliver on the objectives we set ourselves when we first started the project.

Engine Creative agency website - mobile responsive

Why does our new agency website matter to you?

Ask any agency who their worst client is and they will, 98% of the time, point the finger at themselves – internal creative and digital projects can be an ongoing battle to manage resources alongside client projects, with well-established design and development processes often thrown out of the window.

We were determined to buck the trend and so followed our tried and tested Enginnovation™ Process from Ignition through to Deployment in just the same way as we do when developing any digital products for clients, from the improved user experience for the National Lottery app to a full-on (and award-winning!) gaming experience for BIC Kids.

Start with the big brand challenges

And, just as we do with our clients, we started by asking ourselves some pretty fundamental questions regarding our website including:

  • Why do we need a website?
  • Who is it for?
  • What does it need to do and say?
  • How do we measure success?

A key reason for our new agency website is to update our offering to match the distinctive range of services and products that we deliver whilst also reflecting the new values that underpin every aspect of the way we work – Imagination, Simplicity, Integrity, Teamwork, Learning and Value. These needed to shine through and, following 68 rapid prototype sprints, 100s of development hours and 2 weeks worth of user testing, we have an amazing new online presence that is already delivering.

Engine Creative agency website - Our Values

How do you measure success?

Success for us is twofold. Firstly, our new agency website has real integrity and accurately reflects our values and the services we offer clients, from Discovery and Strategy through to AR, VR and 360 experiences.

Secondly, the website is already delivering new business leads for us, a testament to the SEO focus we had right from the beginning of the project and the care and attention we took to make sure we convey the value we offer to clients.

And, just like any good digital product, deployment is just the beginning. We continue to learn from the feedback we receive and the user data we analyse.

20 years bringing brands to life

Just like every other client, we also had a deadline to work to and, in our case, it was a pretty important one. August 2017 marks 20 years in business for Engine Creative, a landmark we’re looking forward to celebrating with clients old and new. It’s been 20 years of imagination, innovation and bringing brands to life with too many highlights to list in one post.

It’s also been 20 years of working together as a team and listening and learning from the feedback we receive. With this in mind, we have a special birthday request from Engine Creative to you: please give us your feedback on the new website and help us make our agency website the best it can be.

Alternatively, get in touch and let us develop your next great digital product using our trusty Enginnovation™ Process – you can see the results in everything we do and if you’ve read this far then we know you’re interested!